Ran Bar Ilan

FullStack Web Developer


Hi! I'm Ran

An aspiring FullStack developer looking for my next job.

Checkout my Resume



Dizzy - My Online Bank

Dizzy is a web based banking app for those who struggle with complicated finacncial.
it works like any bank! only we don't try to steal and we have the lowest interest rate out there! here u can be a customer or an admin and basically do any banking stuff u could do at ur bank.


BIT|ER - Online Coin Trade.

The best tool for your online crypto trading! what can it do? search specific stocks, Display specified coin information for 3 different "gold" currencies and See realtime graph on coin value for up to 5 coins.


Free Fall - Vacation Project

the go to website for finding a great vacation for great prices. u can view vacation bundles, subscribe to a vacation. or as an admin add new vacation, edit existing vacation, delete vacation and see how many people subscribe to a vacation.


Knowledge has a beginning but no end..

Fullstack Web - John Bryce

A 6 months FullStack Web developer course with emphasis on Javascript React.TS, Angular8, Single Page Application NodeJS MySQL and Much more. The course is built to teach u how to be a developer and how to align with the standards of the industry, how to solve complex problems without previous knowledge and how to think outside the box. React.TS, Angular8, Single Page Application NodeJS MySQL and Much more.
I graduated with a score average of 96.

My Skills

what i can do



My Employment History
  • Military Service, Bardelas Battalion

    Varies Jobs including: Combat Soldier, Strategy and Field Control Commander, Logistics and Discipline. 07 Gun Proficiency.

  • Floor Supervisor, Hamburg TLD

    Floor Supervisor (Restaurant) – Managing a team, controlling the workflow of the Restaurant and all the financial transactions. Managing all the staff including Servers, Delivery, Kitchen Etc. Making sure the Restaurant is running as smooth as Possible.

  • independent , Wolt Enterprise

    Delivery Solutions – provided delivery solutions to the international company Wolt as an independent freelancer.
